Cvs Radio1 - Belize Rural Online.

Da Real Storm

Published on Oct 20, 2024

A Rootical Reggae Recording Artist, delivering positive music worldwide. Born Kelly-Ann Minto to parents Ovril, an executive secretary and Lester Minto, a musician in St. Catherine Jamaica, Storm showed a remarkable love for music from a very tender age. Featured on many episodes of “Ring Ding”, a children’s television show hosted by the late Honorable Louise Bennett Coverly, Storm never rejected an opportunity to sing. Her talent became more profound when she became a member of her church choir. She never ceased to amaze the congregation. Alto being her strong point, Storm’s raspy sound was well accepted when she went on to Holy Childhood High School where she performed at several of their annual social gatherings. Storm was considered to be the Jamaican version of Tracy Chapman by the members of her community, Marine Park, where she was also a crowd pleaser at their annual festivities.